Saturday, March 04, 2006

sanitary rubber gloves

I posted this cartoon in December, when only a couple of people were reading my blog, so now I'm posting it again.

I drew this based on my experiences at the bagel shop in the plaza where I used to be a picture framer.

The first surprise I got from eating there, I was about to bite into the second half of my sandwich when an inchworm crawled out of it. I showed it to the manager. He gave me a coupon for a free sandwich. I kept eating there, but after that I opened every sandwich to inspect its contents before biting into it.

Another time the guy who made my sandwich had just finished sweeping up the room, wearing the same rubber gloves he used to touch all the ingredients I was about to eat. Of course, there's always someone who handles your money with those gloves on, back and forth, money, tomatoes, money, cheese, no problem.

One girl who worked there, she had a reputation for her customer service. She'd ask you, "Do you want tomatoes on that?" If you said yes, she'd breath a huge sigh, and roll her eyes while putting them on. People I worked with came back from lunch with new stories from there all the time. But we all kept eating there.

Can anyone else relate to this?


Jenn said...

yeah, the woman at WalMart handing me my bills in change after using them to cover her sneeze.

juicy bills.

I think the worst was at a BBQ joint and having two German cockroachs scurry across the table (not the Oriental black flying sewer 2inch jobbers, these were little German disease carrying cockroaches)

after living in Colorado I know the difference in cockroaches. I had a 2 inch flying one in my bed once...

Michelle said...

LMAO! the cartoon is so funny :)
I found a fake nail with blue nail polish once at a was in my salad! I went and found the girl with blue nails and asked if she was missing one!!! LOL, she thanked me, took it from me and walked off! I was so speechless at her actions, i left the salad went home and composed a letter to the manager! I ended up with some vouchers for the cafe.

Carly said...

Hello i am aj's daughter carlyjo.
i really like all your pictures!

Jenn said...

emma/jennybee, That is just really disgusting. How did you know they were German? Was it their German accents?

Michelle, that is horribly disgusing, but it is very funny. Sounds like something for Seinfeld or Everybody Loves Raymond.

carlyjo, Thanks for coming by! Nice to see you've got a blog up. Now you can post some of your art if you want to. I saw a dog drawing your mom showed me and it was really good!

Jenn said...

Susie, that was the only food place in walking distance besides a really grody take-out Pizza Hut. Well, there were sit-down places but our lunch break was only 30 minutes long. This was like seven years ago... I was a kid. I am way more discriminating now. (Actually they probably itch themselves wherever you go, you just can't see them back there).

You're right, I would never hang the roll like that. I guess I drew it that way because it was more obvious it was a roll of paper towels that way.

Bar L. said...

Hysterical comic but GROSSSSSSS stories. Yuk yuk yuk..... I am such a germ freak stuff like this makes me cringe....I'll never eat out again ;) until tomorrow.

Nerdine said...

I would never go back there after getting a worm in my sandwich. And I would ask the manager to shove the cupon where the sun hopefully don't shine. I'd have my money back. And then I would put the healt department on them.

Funny cartoon though!

Jenn said...

the cartoon cracked me up. You need to have a person in the background behind the counter itching...

Im like the freakin' mailman on Cheers.


PS. The Bug Man who sprayed my CO home for sunspiders, ants, spiders and cockroaches told me years ago. Okay, it was the lederhosen.

Anonymous said...

I like this cartoon but I will never return for another if I know these happens.

You are so brave!

Jenn said...

At the next town (in Massachusetts) where I worked we had a bunch of places to eat. Unfortunatley, after a while they all let us down in one way or another. My friend had a fly baked right on top of her pepperoni pizza. The one reliable place in that town was its bagel shop. I miss those bagel sandwiches. They had great BLT's. I never had a problem there.

Suzy-Q said...

going through new employee orientation at the medical center where i work includes an interview with the infection control nurse. she has made me a germaphobe. she pointed out that even if YOU wash your hands before leaving the bathroom, you are touching the same door knob as the person who DIDN'T. EWWW! Now I open with an extra paper towel, use my shirt tail, or wait for someone else to come in.

Jenn said...

AJ, I am obsessive about those doorknobs. I always use a paper towel. I hate to think about what's on there. When I eat french fries, I never trust how clean my hands are, so I leave a little pile of the end pieces I touched.

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Jenn, I posted a comment here yesterday, but Blogger must've eaten it !! My thoughts are that we really don't know what goes on behind doors in restaurants even, so it's probably best not to know, or to look at what they are doing behind the counters, or wherever, then we can't be grossed out !! But a worm .... eewww !!
Take care, Meow