This morning I am in my Panera office. This is my favorite of my four offices. I travel out here about 30 minutes from my home in the farm lands into the hoity toity side of town, where I can feel like a part of the working world.
They have free coffee refills here, nice open seating and free wifi. I'll stay here through breakfast and lunch and work on my website.
Jessica and I were in Panera on Monday(Erie) and while there, I mentioned to her about your myriad of office locations.
Yes, your name came up in conversation...
Were your ears itching?
So do they feed you breakfast and lunch?? Does your hiney get numb in those hard wooden chairs?
You should make yourself a name tag to wear in there while you are working. You should also call everyone "hon". That should make you feel VERY hoity toity.
dawn, my nose was itching.
aunt jo, They do, they feed me and give me free drinks sometimes too. On Monday the guy gave me "the usual." The chairs are not bad, or I can always get a cushy booth.
I'd like to make an appointment to meet you at your Panera Bread Office to talk about some ideas I have to help end Global Warming...
I need an office like that. It would never get messy.
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