Welcome to my Starbucks office. This is where I like to work in the mornings sometimes, at the back table of this room that's more like a hallway. Unfortunately there is no free internet in here, but I enjoy working with Photoshop or just doodling in my sketchbook. The coffee seems to work better for my brain in Starbucks than at home.

I have a view out this window of the traffic going around the "circle," where I can watch car after car ignoring the yield sign.
This is just one of my four offices. More photos to come.
What's the blue building that says Reeds?
I can't read the smaller letters.
That's the local wine-o shoppe.
aha! that's what I thought!!
Wow you are a QuadOfficer? Niiiice. The smell of coffee ignites your doodlereceptors in your brain. I know this because I am a Doodlologist and I have been studying you.
Doodled By Canoodled Coffee.
I like your view.
I also like to go round and round and round those roundabouts, till your laughing so hard you are crying. It's great fun.
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