I was delighted that those Friendly's holiday ice cream logs were on sale, 2 for $5. Now they are getting old and gross.
Notice the giant bottle of sake in the door. I used two tablespoons of that in a Japanese recipe. I need to find some more recipes that use sake because I'm not interested in drinking it. The best tasting and easiest recipe for teriyaki sauce is made with mirin (sweetened sake). 2 parts mirin, 2 parts soy sauce and 1 part sugar. Mix it all together over low heat so the sugar dissolves. Marinate some chicken or salmon in it. Keep some leftover for dipping. It is delicious. This "Sushi Chef" mirin has that recipe on the label.
One more thing that makes my refrigerator unique... there are always anchovies. Anytime we're eating leftovers for dinner, George is content as long as he has his anchovies. I know you're all thinking, "YUM!"
That is feta cheese. At George's parents' Brooklyn apartment they will eat canned fish for any meal including breakfast. Some of it's not too bad. I don't mind the matjes herring. I don't eat it for breakfast though.
In front is Newman's Limeade, very tasty. Behind that there is orange juice.
I have never and will never eat an anchovie. Promise.
I am glad someone eats them though....less for me to worry about.
Is that orange juice or fancy milk?
Anchovies? You mean people really eat those?
Actually most of that isn't leftovers, it's right after a trip to the grocery store. There are a ton of fresh vegetables in plastic bags all piled up in there. Some salmon,
free-range chicken, and I'm sure some new cans of anchovies.
I congratulate you Jenn! No science experiments happening....well done :)
finally something I recognize!! Kong Oscar Anchovies!! YAY! we get those here too... DUH
It's fascinating to see your frdges people... They're so different than the Norwegian ones..
Nerdine, since you are from Norway I will believe you are not being sarcastic.
In Disneyworld there is a Norwegian restaurant. It is the tastiest buffet there is, with all kinds of smoked fish.
you're right - I wasn't sarcastic actually. I've been looking at all these fridges and all I recognize are the fruits and vegetables. But the anchovies I know! Although we actually call them sardines here. Strange huh? And confusing...
anchovies...oh, yeah, Im thinking YUM.
I've tried vegenaise. not my favorite.
I don't have the Mirin in my fridge although, I do have year old bottle of Fuki Sake. I do. Im such a boozer. I am so ashamed.
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