Friday, April 21, 2006

beach dogs

There are a lot of homeless dogs in St. Martin. They were sleeping all along the beach, under tables and chairs. This dog was very bored and disinterested in me talking to him. After I offered him a drink of water he got up and moved.

These dogs were having a blast. They were with their owners. There are no rules about leashes. With all the unneutered homeless dogs everywhere, I'd imagine some owners get home to find their dog is expecting puppies.


Sarah said...

I always felt bad for all the stray dogs overseas...and the stray cats! It's hard for animal lovers to see...

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Such a shame, all those homeless dogs. Hope you didn't have to dodge the dog poop when you walked !!
Take care, Meow

Jenn said...

They say the problem used to be worse. It really bothers me that people are not responsible enough to neuter their pets. The dogs do not seem hungry, apparently everyone is feeding them. I have no idea what kind of humane society they have over there.

Bar L. said...

Awwwwwww....they look happy and healthy but dogs need someone to take care of them.